Report Summary
A Public Briefing explaining the the police scrutiny landscape in Scotland. This Briefing provides an overview of current arrangements and context for policing scrutiny at a local, regional and national level in Scotland. Published in August 2023.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023
Date : 28 September 2023
Location : Merchants House, Glasgow
National Oversight
Local oversight and national oversight of policing in Scotland are wholly complimentary. We are working in partnership to strengthen national and local scrutiny to ensure our police service is accountable to the communities it serves and therefore has the robust support of those communities.
The emerging Scottish system seeks to allows for greater transparency and scrutiny of police actions. Police oversight is crucial for maintaining accountability, transparency, trust, and respect for civil liberties. It serves as a vital safeguard and public interest that policing is conducted in a fair, ethical, and lawful manner, promoting all our safety and wellbeing while upholding the rights and dignity of individuals in the community. We will continue working in partnership with Local Government to strengthen these arrangements and ensure that local policing can be effectively shaped by local communities and their needs.