Report Summary
A Public Briefing explaining the the police scrutiny landscape in Scotland. This Briefing provides an overview of current arrangements and context for policing scrutiny at a local, regional and national level in Scotland. Published in August 2023.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 28 September 2023
Date : 28 September 2023
Location : Merchants House, Glasgow
Background and context
Scotland is striving to build a robust and effective system where local government councillors and the Scottish Police Authority hold policing accountable. The recent strategic partnership agreement between the Scottish Police Authority, Police Scotland and COSLA strengthened further our growing collaboration and partnership.
Policing by consent, the foundation of policing across the UK, is derived “not from fear but almost exclusively from public co-operation with the police, induced by them designedly by behaviour which secures and maintains for them the approval, respect and affection of the public”. In simpler words – Police Scotland’s legitimacy rests on policing with the full consent of communities of interest and geography across Scotland.
Local democratic oversight is therefore critical. There is in every part of Scotland a local authority committee or sub-committee focused on the scrutiny of local policing. Effective local oversight ensures that police forces are accountable to the communities they serve. It allows for transparency and scrutiny of police actions, ensuring that the police are acting within the law and in accordance with the expectations of the local population.
Within the Scottish Police Authority, the Policing Performance Committee has a specific responsibility for oversight, scrutiny and assessment of national police performance. This committee bridges the scrutiny responsibility with Local Authorities, with the chair of the COSLA Community Wellbeing Board an active and formal member.