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Published: 13 July 2023

Police Scotland Vetting Overview - 1 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Complaints & Conduct Committee with an overview of the Police Scotland Vetting Overview Report. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Complaints & Conduct Committee - 1 June 2023

Date : 01 June 2023

Location : online


When an individual applies to join Police Scotland in any role, relevant background checks are
conducted by the Force Vetting Unit (FVU). These checks involve researching a wide range of information
on the applicant and also includes information in relation to third parties and associates of applicants.

A thorough and effective vetting process is a key component in assessing an individual’s honesty and integrity.
By identifying those who might pose a risk, vetting acts to prevent crime or harm and to protect members of the
public against improper conduct by people working for, on behalf of, or in partnership with the Scottish Police
Authority (SPA) or Police Scotland. The process reassures the public that appropriate checks are conducted on
individuals in positions of trust and supports public confidence. It also ensures there are no conflicts of
interest which could adversely impact the ability of the individual to discharge their policing duties effectively
and impartially.

There are a number of vetting types which reflect the requirements of different roles:

Recruitment Vetting (RV) – Minimum requirement for all police officers, special constables and police staff.
Checks are undertaken on the applicant, their family members and associates and includes social media checks.
Management Vetting (MV) – Higher level of vetting required for those in ‘designated posts’. These are posts
with access to sensitive information, intelligence, financial or operational assets. Checks are undertaken as per RV but includes enhanced financial checks and suitability references from current and previous line managers.
National Security Vetting – For posts which require access to classified information or assets - Counter-Terrorist
Check (CTC), Security Check (SC) and Developed Vetting (DV) levels.
Non-Police Personnel Vetting (NPPV) and Supplier Vetting – Vetting is undertaken on individual contractors and
companies who wish to work in partnership with Police Scotland.

In calendar year 2022 Police Scotlands Vetting Department progressed 6172 vetting applications. This consisted of
1728 RV applications, 713 MV applications, 400 NSV applications, 2090 NPPV applications and 1241 Company Directors
applications. In total 490 applications were refused across all groups.



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