Financial Implications
There are no financial implications in this report.
Personnel Implications
The nature of the matters reported inevitably leads to implications for both individual and wider personnel matters. These are considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure welfare, conduct and both individual and organisational learning opportunities are identified and addressed.
Legal Implications
There are no legal implications in this report.
Reputational Implications
As per personnel, each case is assessed for individual and organisational reputational risks and implications and appropriate action taken.
Social Implications
The nature of the data reported in this paper is related to complaints about the police and conduct matters. By its very nature, the subject matter implies a level of negative social, community and equalities impact. By addressing the individual matters and thereafter considering holistically that which has been reported, Police Scotland seeks to mitigate the negative impact of those cases reported.
Community Impact
As per social implications.
Equalities Implications
As per social implications.
Environment Implications
There are no environmental implications in this report.