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Published: 23 August 2023

Police Scotland Change Portfolio Update - 22 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of the Police Scotland Change Portfolio.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 30 May 2023

Date : 22 June 2023

Location : online

Further detail

This paper will cover off some key activity since our last report to the Board in January 2023.

In addition to the appendices this report will cover off the following areas:

Portfolio Annual Review
Design Activity
Portfolio Delivery
Change Engagement

Key Activity since our last report:

Portfolio Annual Review

As part of the standard annual review of the Portfolio a review has been undertaken post Capital Investment Group and SPA Board Budget Approvals to re baseline the portfolio and related cost and resources to ensure that we are managing to the approved costs. This is being presented for approval to the Change Board in July and will be brought to ARAC as part of our next update.

Part of this planning seeks to ensure that that there is a balance between Discovery, Design and Delivery taking into account resource capacity and organisational absorbability.

As the Board will be aware the Portfolio has a number of multi-year Programmes and therefore this year there is no change to the current Portfolio in relation to Delivery, however this year there are a number of Design workstreams that are also underway such as Local Policing – Service Delivery Review (LP-SDR) and Strategic Efficiency Redesign & Reinvestment which are included in the Portfolio (see Design update below).

It should be noted that the Portfolio although static in relation to Programmes/Projects is becoming more complex with the inter-dependencies and crossover of significant activities such as COS, DESC, LP-SDR and this is being monitored and work is ongoing to ensure that these are managed effectively.

Given the complexities the Change Function have established core processes in collaboration with Head of Service Design and the Chief Digital Officer to ensure that all activity (new and current) as subject to consistent considerations/assurance and we continue to review and refresh these approaches.


Local Policing-Service Delivery Review

Discovery Phase 1 is underway in 2 Local Policing Divisions – C Div and N Div using the SG Approach to Service Design with an aim of evolving a new model that better aligns supply and demand. This discovery work is due to conclude in October.

Strategic Efficiency Redesign & Reinvestment

Proposals were presented at Feb SLB around broader roll-out of SERR and progression/approval of funding to support implementation of SERR deliverables within OCCTI. Approval was given for OCCTI implementation proposal, but further work was requested around broader roll out of SERR and its links to broader transformation and specifically design led activity.

OCCTI Implementation Programme manager has been assigned and is working with the business lead (ACC Freeburn). Given the changes in workforce size/shape following budget linked workforce reduction – re-baselining of SERR is required to identify the impact of various pressures on the OCCTI area since SERR work was completed.

SERR is seen as a medium to long term focus and will sit in parallel to current activity with likelihood of SERR becoming the standard model in time that underpins finance, people, design & transformation strategy and planning activity. OCCTI, Major Crime, Local Crime and Enabling Services are the likely next targets of SERR and proposals around this are being finalised for presentation at Jun SLB.


The key deliverables have been:

Core Operational Solutions

National Crime, Case and Warrants systems are live within the full North & East Command Areas with completion in May with E and J Divisional implementations. February also saw completion of Productions module rollout, which is now live nationally.In total approx. 6000 officers have been trained on the National Systems thus far supported by approx. 280 trained officers and Divisional COS Champions.

By end of May Data Migration will have successfully transferred approx. 11 million items including 3.5million crime records. The migrations follows detailed weeding and merging of duplicate nominals to ensure compliance with GDPR and provides confidence to the officers that the correct nominals are being used when searching.

Feedback continues to be positive with frontline users providing areas of continuous improvement that is feeding into future enhancements of the system.

Modernised Contact and Engagement

SC07 process revised and updated. This process allows Resolution Team (RT) supervisors to close incidents on the STORM Command & Control system and pass them to Local Policing Divisions in circumstances where the incident remained unresolved after all reasonable and proportionate remote enquiries had been exhausted and all other resolution options have been considered and discounted.

Resolution Team Assistant (RTA) upskill sessions have been delivered within C3 Division in Govan and Inverness to 58 staff. This will improve the consistency and quality of Direct Crime Reports taken and improve SCRS compliance.

New Business Cases

Since the last update in January a number of Business Cases have been approved via Change Board and the SPA Resources Committee.

Change Request

In line with the Scheme of Delegation there has been one significant Change Request for Age of Criminal Responsibility (ACRA) – the
This project end date has been extended by 11 months to the 29/02/2024.
This relates to the following:
Places of Safety: This will allow the completed of the Places of Safety ‘rooms’ - which has seen a delay in completion of Phase 2 (Phase 1 was completed in November 22) due to delays in contractor selection and preparatory work. This work is due to complete late summer.

Implementation of the final work stream, ACRA/Core Operational Solutions (COS) module. This is delayed due to Scottish Government being unable to supply detailed requirements to allow this to be designed, built and implemented in line with the original dates.

There is a high level of confidence that this increase in the timeline will allow for the full delivery of this project and completion of the End Project Review.


Since the last update the Engagement Team have supported engagement sessions in N & E Division and more recently within P Division*, delivering to a total of just over 400 Officers across these Divisions. (*P Div Engagement Report attached)

Change Engagement Project Events have been held at St Leonard’s (E Div), Glenrothes (P Div) and Inverness (N Div) police stations, affording divisional attendance from Officers and Staff from surrounding stations and specialisms to be involved in conversation and discussion with Project representatives including:

DEPP - COS & COS Insight
Digital Evidence Sharing Capability
National Fleet
Professional Standards

These informal events are very successful in promoting the message of Change and providing the operational frontline insight and awareness into the Digital, Change & Transformation Portfolio. The attached slides give a visual representation of the engagement carried out at Division.

There is a proposed plan of engagement for the remainder of the year ahead with a National Change Event in the summer.

In addition there has been 3 sessions held with SPA Board members in relation to COS Presentations to the SPA Board members were held on 19 and 26 April, covering Core Operational Solutions and Body Worn Video. These presentations provided an overview of each project, highlighting the progress, challenges to delivery, benefits and lessons learned in order to provide further insight to the Board members.

Key Risks/Issues

Risk remains around capacity being unable to meet demand and this will continue to be monitored throughout the year

Related Publications

The documents below are related by Topic and are the most recently published

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Body Worn Video Business Case Development - 8 June 2021

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Performance Technology Workforce Budget

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Body Worn Video Rollout - 9 March 2021

Published: 30 August 2022

Performance Technology Workforce Budget