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Published: 23 August 2023

Police Scotland Change Portfolio Update - 2 August 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority's Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of the Police Scotland Change Portfolio.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee

Date : 02 August 2023

Location : online

Further detail

This paper will cover off some key activity since our last report to the Board in January 2023.

In addition to the appendices this report will cover off the following areas:

Portfolio Annual Review
Design Activity
Portfolio Delivery
Change Engagement

Key Activity since our last report:

Portfolio Annual Review

As discussed at the last update a review has now concluded on the 2023/24 Portfolio in line with current budgets & resource demands.

Overall, the Portfolio remains static in relation to Programmes and Projects (as per Portfolio diagram in Appendix A)

As part of this review the outstanding demand for resource was considered and this has allowed us to rebaseline the Change resource demand accordingly removing several temp roles that had previously been put on hold due to the budget constraints. (Detail is provided in Appendix A).


Local Policing-Service Delivery Review (LP-SDR)

User research activity completed in C Division (Forth valley).
User research continues in N Division (Highlands and Islands) - due to complete 14th July 23.
Piloted the Explore Build Test (EBT) Service Design methodology on Local Police Appointments. An EBTs is the vehicle to explore problem areas in greater depth and begin the initial phases of design work in collaboration with stakeholders and system users.
Initial analysis, synthesis and corroboration of research has begun.
Design Hub development sessions. The Design Hub is being established to pull together the threads of service design across LP-SDR, Modernised Contact & Engagement (MC&E) and Public Protection Development Programme (PPDP) to ensure these design informed initiatives align along the customer journey and to coordinate design activity.

Business Case Development:

Programme Brief to be developed when we have a clear view of the outcomes from research and a greater understanding of what we wish to take forward into the next phases.

Strategic Engagements:

Brief to SPA Member Development Session on 9th June
Brief to SPA Performance Committee on 15th June

Strategic Efficiency Redesign & Reinvestment (SERR)

Organised Crime, Counter Terrorism & Intel (OCCTI) Implementation – Work is ongoing to establish revised efficiency targets considering the current financial landscape and subsequent pressures. Recent headcount reductions across the Force have resulted in the need for realignment and restructure of resource across OCCTI. A revised roadmap and proposal for delivery of SERR productivity, demand and improvement initiatives will be finalised c. September 2023.

Broader Rollout – A proposal to rollout SERR across the organisation from 23/24 was endorsed by SLB members in June. SERR will be an effective mechanism in the evolution Police Scotland’s budgeting methodology and will support the organisation to be as efficient and effective as possible. Scoping and planning of resource, procurement and governance is underway.

National Law Enforcement Data Service (NLEDS)

Business Case Development:
National Law Enforcement Data Service (NLEDS) Full Business Case approved at Change Board, approval from the SPA AO is being progressed. NLEDS will present the SPA Policing and Performance Committee in September to provide an update and overview of NLEDS.


Since the last update to ARAC was only a few weeks ago there has been limited implementations given the summer period however COS continues with the planned rollout.

The key deliverables have been:

Core Operational Solutions

Feedback continues to be positive with frontline users providing areas of continuous improvement that is feeding into future enhancements of the system.

Following successful delivery in May to E&J Divisions, National Crime, Case and Warrants systems are now live across the North and East Regions. Plans are progressing in support of the West Region implementation by end of 2023 for National Crime and Case, although this remains a challenging timescale with c8500 people to be trained and 8M legacy Crime records to be migrated, which includes weeding and merging of duplicate nominals.

New Business Cases

Since the last update in June the following Business Cases have been approved via Change Board and the SPA Accountable Officer/Resources Committee.


Change Request

There have been no Change Requests approved by the Change Board since the last update.


Since the last update a National Change Event was held at Police Scotland Headquarters Tulliallan at the end of June to over 150 colleagues from all Inspecting ranks and staff equivalents.

Attendees were nominated from each Division, the largest gathering of frontline officers to date and who were given the opportunity to hear first-hand from our colleagues within the Digital, Change & Transformation Portfolio and Operational BAU delivery teams:

DEPP Body Worn Video
DEPP Core Operating Systems
Digital Evidence Sharing Capability – DESC
Local Policing Service Delivery Review – LP SDR
National Law Enforcement Data Service – NLEDS
National Fleet
National Air Support – Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems – RPAS
National Taser Uplift

From feedback received on the day and subsequently, the event was successful in promoting Change across the organisation and providing those attending both strategic direction from Executive members alongside operational and procedural updates. The attached slides give a visual representation of the event with accompanying feedback from attendees. (Appendix B)

In addition, there has been a session held with Scottish Government specifically in relation to Body Worn Video. This was attended by Scott Ross, SPA.

Key Risks/Issues

We had an issue raised around the Change Capacity and this has been downgraded to a risk due to the current rebaseline activity as described in this report. We will continue to monitor this closely.

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