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Published: 15 March 2023

Police Scotland Change Portfolio Update - 17 January 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Audit, Risk & Assurance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland's Change Portfolio Update. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Audit, Risk and Assurance Committee - 17 January 2023

Date : 17 January 2023

Location : online


Since the last update the Engagement Team have remained within the West Command Area and more recently within G Division from the beginning of October to the end of last year, delivering 42 shift briefings to mainly Response and Community Officers (day and back shift) within 13 different stations, to a total of over 470 Officers within the Division.

A Change Engagement Project Event was held within Maryhill Police Office, affording divisional attendance from Officers and Staff from surrounding stations and specialisms to be involved in conversation and discussion with Project representatives including:

•DEPP - Mobile
DEPP - COS Insight
National Fleet

These informal events are very successful in promoting the message of Change and providing the operational frontline insight and awareness into the Digital, Change & Transformation Portfolio. The attached slides give a visual representation of the engagement carried out at Division. Over and above this core function the team continue to afford officers and staff insight around operational and procedural updates in line with current Force policies and guidance.

In addition to the local Divisional engagement, the Team organised and delivered a Senior Leaders’ Forum for Chief Superintendent ranks, Staff equivalent and above giving the organisation's Senior Officers and staff members a chance to hear the latest updates from the Force Executive and those delivering key pieces of work.

Furthermore the Engagement Team also organised and delivered an Extended Leaders’ Forum for Inspecting ranks and Staff equivalent which was for all 6 Divisions within the West Command area. This was attended by Senior Executives including DCC Taylor, CDIO Andrew Hendry and CFO James Gray who gave insight into the direction of the Force alongside operational and strategic updates. Projects stalls in attendance included:

DEPP - Mobile
DEPP - COS Insight
RPAS – Aerial Support Unit
National Fleet

There is a proposed plan of engagement for the year ahead, with various levels of engagement being scoped to include local shift briefings, Change Project Days, Extended Leader and Senior Leader Forums. Further details will be provided when these proposals have been confirmed.

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