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Published: 02 October 2024

Police Scotland Approach to Biometrics - 18 September 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the proposed Police Scotland (PS), and where appropriate, joint SPA Forensic Services (FS) approach to, and roadmap for, delivery of key biometric objectives.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 18 September 2024

Date : 18 September 2024

Location : online

Background & Timeline

In March 2018, the Independent Advisory Group on the Use of Biometric Data in Scotland published their report, which included proposals for a Scottish Biometrics Commissioner (SBC).

In April 2020, the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Act 2020 was given Royal Assent with Dr Brian Plastow appointed as the SBC in April 2021. The SBC published his 2021-2025 Strategic Plan in September 2021 and the statutory Code of Practice (COP) in November 2022.

In March 2023, the SBC published the results of 2 Thematic Reviews for Children and Vulnerable persons. This resulted in four recommendations for Police Scotland.

During July-September 2023, BDO were instructed by SPA to undertake a review of PS and FS’ compliance with the SBC COP for DNA and Fingerprint data and source samples. This resulted in eight joint-recommendations, one recommendation for PS and two for FS.

During October-December 2023, PS and FS were required to return separate self-assessments to the SBC for the annual COP compliance review. Both organisations were found to be compliant.

During the same period, the SBC published the results of a Thematic Review of Images. No new recommendations were highlighted, albeit the report reinforced the requirement for existing, and un-yet discharged recommendations, to be delivered.

To address this rapidly growing area of business, this was overseen by SCD Detective Chief Superintendents. Action to address external audit recommendations, and associated biometric related risks, remained static until 2024.

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