Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland’s Three-Year Plan Bi-Annual Report 2024/25.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Policing Performance Committee - 10 December 2024
Date : 10 December 2024
Location : online
Further Detail on the Report Topic
Our Three-Year Business Plan considers and expands on our Annual Police Plan 2024/25 commitments and details what we will do over the next three years to make progress against our strategic outcomes and priorities for policing. Our outcomes focused performance framework is being refreshed to align under Vision 2030 to describe how we will monitor and measure progress on our priorities for policing and strategic outcomes.
In the Bi-Annual Progress Report 2024/25, we are required to report on our progress on activities detailed in our 2024/25 Annual Policing Plan. This reporting has been shaped around the new Three-Year Business Plan with clear indicators showing how the original commitments are reflected.
This report contains an initial update on each of the year one milestones, with a full assessment on progress to be reported in the Chief Constable’s Assessment of Performance at the end of 2024/25.
There are legal aspects to be considered in terms of reporting against the activities set out in this year’s Annual Police Plan to inform the Annual Report and Accounts 2025/26; but it is also important to provide informative insight into activity undertaken by Police Scotland, under the Three-Year Business Plan, that will be of interest to members of the public and partners.
To address this challenge, it was agreed that Police Scotland would produce two distinct but complementary reports as part of the Performance Framework for 2024/25: the Police Plan Bi-Annual Progress report; and the Quarterly Performance report.
The updates in this report provide insight into the work undertaken by our officers and staff that contribute to progress against Police Scotland’s five strategic outcomes but are aligned to the new commitments under Vision 2030.
Summary of Year One Milestones RPAG Status.
Status definitions: -
Red – Key deliverable is not progressing and not on target for completion during 2024/25. The reasons for lack of progress should be included in the update indicating if due to resource, budget or other constraints.
Purple – Key deliverable is underway but not on track for completion during 2024/25. The reasons for delayed completion should be included in the update indicating if due to resource, budget or other constraints.
Amber – Key deliverable is underway and on track for completion during 2024/25.
Green - Key deliverable is complete and now undertaken as business as usual.
A total of 72.1% of the activities are Amber (underway and on track for completion during 2024/25). Green status Milestones (deliverable complete and now BaU) account for 19.7% of Milestones. Red (1.6%) and Purple (6.6%) Milestones account for the remaining milestones with updates.
A full copy of the Three-Year Plan Bi-Annual Report 2024/25 is provided at Appendix A.
The Three-Year Plan Bi-Annual Report 2024/25 is presented for discussion with members of the Policing Performance Committee.