Report Summary
Police Appeals Tribunals hear appeals from police officers against decisions to dismiss them, or to demote them in rank, following misconduct proceedings.
The Scottish Police Authority is responsible for administering Police Appeals Tribunals.
Police Appeals Tribunals are open to individuals to observe, however there are protocols that observers must follow.
This document outlines the protocols for public access to hearings.
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Police Appeals Tribunal - 26 March 2025
Date : 26 March 2025
Location : City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow
Public hearings
Rule 12 of the Rules stipulates that all hearings must be heard in public unless the tribunal with the consent of the parties directs that a hearing, or a part of it, is to be heard in private. Accordingly there may on occasion be circumstances where a hearing, or certain parts of it, needs to take place in private.
Where a hearing, or a part of it, is to be held in public, the Authority will intimate the hearing in advance on the Authority’s website ( at least 14 days before the date of the hearing. The intimation will be in the following format :-
“A hearing of an appeal to a Police Appeals Tribunal by [name of appellant] will take place on [date of hearing] at [name and address of venue]. The proceedings will commence at 10.00am. Any individual wishing to attend the hearing to observe the proceedings should intimate their intention to attend the hearing to the Authority at least 3 working days in advance of the hearing by sending an email containing their name and address to”
Any individual who attends a hearing without first advising the Authority of their intention to attend may be denied entry to the hearing at the Tribunal’s discretion.