Report Summary
Police Appeals Tribunals hear appeals from police officers against decisions to dismiss them, or to demote them in rank, following misconduct proceedings.
The Scottish Police Authority is responsible for administering Police Appeals Tribunals.
Police Appeals Tribunals are open to individuals to observe, however there are protocols that observers must follow.
This document outlines the protocols for public access to hearings.
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Police Appeals Tribunal - 26 March 2025
Date : 26 March 2025
Location : City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow
Procedure at a hearing
- No recording equipment, photographic or audio, is allowed in the hearing room.
- Mobile telephones must be turned off during the proceedings.
- No social media reporting is allowed while witnesses are still giving evidence.
- Attendees should not enter or leave the hearing room until there is a break in the proceedings.
- Refreshments will not be provided.
- Attendees must not disrupt the proceedings in any way. Any disruption to proceedings may result in attendees being asked to leave the hearing room.