Report Summary
Police Appeals Tribunals hear appeals from police officers against decisions to dismiss them, or to demote them in rank, following misconduct proceedings.
The Scottish Police Authority is responsible for administering Police Appeals Tribunals.
Police Appeals Tribunals are open to individuals to observe, however there are protocols that observers must follow.
This document outlines the protocols for public access to hearings.
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Police Appeals Tribunal - 26 March 2025
Date : 26 March 2025
Location : City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow
PAT Background
Police Appeals Tribunals hear appeals from police officers against decisions to dismiss them, or to demote them in rank, as a result of misconduct proceedings brought against them. Each Police Appeals Tribunal consists of three independent lawyers chosen from a pool of experienced lawyers appointed by the Lord President of the Court of Session. The Scottish Police Authority is responsible for the administration of Police Appeals Tribunals.
The appeals process is governed by the Police Appeals Tribunals (Scotland) Rules 2013 (“the Rules”). Appeals are normally considered by tribunals at a hearing where the tribunal members hear oral representations from representatives on behalf of both the appellant (ie the police officer in question) and the respondent. Where the appellant is a senior officer of Police Scotland (ie an officer of the rank of Assistant Chief Constable or above) the respondent is the Authority. In all other cases the respondent is the Chief Constable of Police Scotland. Witnesses called by the parties may also give evidence at a hearing.