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Published: 13 June 2023

Performance Framework Refresh 2023/24 - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Performance Framework Refresh 2023/24.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online

Further Detail on the Report Topic

The refreshed performance framework will continue to help the SPA Board and the public to understand the complexities of delivering an effective police service and ensure we are delivering performance in line with our organisational values. In addition we will illustrate how we are evolving as a service and address the challenges of modern policing by evidencing the delivery of key strategies over the coming months and years.

Our outcomes focused Performance Framework is linked to our strategies and plans and describes how we will monitor and measure progress on the priorities for policing and our strategic outcomes. This Performance Framework is developed alongside the Annual Police Plan.

The Annual Police Plan clearly sets out five strategic outcomes, each supported by three distinct strategic objectives. The bi-annual report will provide a specific update on all activity aligned against all 15 strategic objectives at the six month point in the performance year. This is produced at the end of Q2 and combined with Chief Constable’s Year End Report at the end of Q4. This fully supports the legislative requirement to report on progress of the activities contained within the Annual Police Plan.

Our refreshed Performance Framework reflects a renewed focus on Policing Together and Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). New measures and insights are being developed to show progress on the implementation of strategies and how we are achieving positive impacts and outcomes.

We will bring forward new reporting in relation to our Strategies and plans in the first quarter and this development will continue over the performance year as we continue to build and baseline new metrics. Police Scotland have aligned a suite of measures from key strategic areas that will best evidence our commitment to improving policing culture and support our commitment to Sexism Equality and Tackling Misogyny.

Mainstreaming these measures into quarterly performance reporting will ensure that the SPA Board, public and communities receive an assurance of progress against these outcomes, and represents a clear commitment on behalf of the organisation in achieving an organisational culture that reflects our purpose, focus and values.

The measures aligned to the strategies are longer term focussed rather than reflecting the ongoing performance of the day to day operational challenges we face. We will continue to incorporate our progress on the strategic plans through our performance reporting cycle.

A public confidence index score has been introduced into analysis and reporting of public confidence in policing. This will enhance comparability with how confidence is measured in the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey and methods used by YouGov and MOPAC.

Linked to the plans, our outcomes focused Performance Framework will monitor the impact of our policing approach for the public and communities in Scotland. The Performance Framework will provide measures and insights in relation to the 13 Divisions in Police Scotland allowing Divisional Commanders to make informed decisions on local policing.

We will continue to develop and mature our approach to enhance local insights by incorporating these into the Performance Framework and reporting comparative case studies of local policing on specific issues. This will be linked to our APP commitments and will and incorporate the work we do with partners around Scotland to deliver on our outcomes.

The Performance Framework incorporates a number of benchmarking metrics which will support organisational learning through evidence gathering that complements our performance reporting. Current benchmarking measures are:

Call Handling

Number of 999 Calls – NPCC
Average call answer time for 999 calls – NPCC
Median call answer time for 999 calls – NPCC
999 calls answered in under 10 seconds – NPCC
999 calls answered between 10-59 seconds – NPCC
999 calls answered over 60 seconds – NPCC

Public Contact and Engagement

Based on your overall experience, how satisfied are you with your police service

People and Development

Identify repeat victims of assaults on officers/staff

Your Voice Matters

Experienced workplace incivility
Emotional energy
Physical wellbeing
Job satisfaction
Life satisfaction
Disturbed sleep
Insufficient sleep

Estates and Fleet

Total emissions per square meter (kg of Co2)
Estates expenditure per square meter

Police Scotland continue to develop the framework and learning from previous years is incorporated into this years refreshed framework. In total, the 2023/24 framework contains 379 performance metrics. Where metrics have been added or amended this is to better reflect police performance or to give additional data and insight that was previously unavailable. Some metrics have been deleted as they are not an effective measure of policing performance and do not influence decision making.

Governance is in place to ensure that the new and developing measures are valid and to identify where baselines are available. The new metrics in the 2023/24 Performance Framework are listed below:

Public Confidence and Engagement

Trust Index: Overall perceptions of Police Scotland
Trust Index: Attitudes towards crime
Trust Index: Upholding our values
Trust Index: Confidence in reporting incidents

Professional Standards

Preliminary Conduct Assessments (by Assessment Decision)

Estates and Fleet

Total mileage of electric fleet (Green miles)

A full copy of the Performance Framework Refresh 2023/24 Report is provided at Appendix A.

The Performance Framework Refresh 2023/24 Report is presented for discussion with members of the Policing Performance Committee.

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