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Published: 23 November 2022

Performance Framework Alignment - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Performance Framework Alignment– Local Police Plans (2023-26) and to update on the progress of the work underway to align the LPP objectives and activity to the performance framework.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online


The LPPs are being developed collaboratively with support being
provided to local policing by Strategy and Analysis on key areas such as local assessment, research and evidence, stakeholder and public engagement, planning approaches and performance.

Divisions are being supported through weekly ‘drop-in sessions’ with
themed topics being delivered by colleagues from other business areas whose expertise will support local policing as plans are developed.

These sessions have so far included:

- Awareness of a range of assessments to underpin the planning provisions including, Equality Impact and Human Rights Assessments (EqHRIA);
- Creating an evidence base including insights from Your Police and User Satisfaction Surveys along with information from local authorities and key partners;
- Design and development of stakeholder, public and community engagement approaches;
- Performance Framework and examples of Performance Measures and milestones;
- Awareness of the Strategic Risk Assessment (STRA) and local assessment methodology and emerging findings; and
- Good practice and accessible drafting of LPP structure and content.

Insights from Your Police, User Experience Survey and a full range
of public and colleague engagement findings are supporting the team to develop a strengthened evidence base for the planning content and where they effectively contribute to the LOIP for the respective local authority and partner areas. (Recommendation 4 and 5)

Advice on and design of effective engagement and participative approaches has included the production of ‘QR’ codes and advertising material for each local division for their use at local events and displays to encourage members of communities to participate online. The intention of this is to reach out to as many members of the communities as possible. (Recommendations 1, 2 and 6)

The awareness of the Performance Framework and milestones was to improve the alignment of local activities through the entire suite of Strategic Plans, signposting the sequence to support the strategic outcomes of the Service and improve thematic reporting. (Recommendations 9).

Knowledge of the STRA and local assessments was to provide local policing colleagues with an understanding as to the rationale, and decision making on how our service priorities are developed and apply to local needs, enhancing our overall evidence led approach to local planning.

Creating clear and accessible planning content to support the public and communities in a local area. (Recommendation 3)

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