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Published: 13 December 2023

People Management Development Programme (PMDP) Training Pilot Evaluation - 27 November 2023

Report Summary

is report provides members of the People Committee with an overview of People Management Development Programme (PMDP) Training Pilot Evaluation.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

People committee - 27 November 2023

Date : 27 November 2023

Location : online

Further Detail

Summary of Evaluation and feedback

177 participants completed the programme from several organisation areas that volunteered to take part in the pilot. This included several ranks and staff equivalents, and a specific pilot for Superintendent Rank.

Microsoft Forms was used as the method of gathering post programme feedback data for each part of the programme.

For detailed participant attendance data and feedback responses refer to the PMDP Programme Evaluation Report at Appendix 1, which includes the original paper that prompted the development of the programme.

Key Findings

Feedback for Day One of Programme - Starting Point

Overall, respondents were complimentary of the Starting Point session. All participants who provided feedback strongly agreed or agreed that the learning outcomes of the session were met. 97% of respondents responded that they would be able to apply the knowledge and skills gained during the session. 97% of respondents indicated they would recommend the session to others. Respondents said the opportunity to share experiences and learn from one another was the most beneficial part of the session. The session aims to facilitate discussion and peer-to-peer collaborative learning, so whilst expected, it is noted that this was specifically highlighted as a positive aspect of the programme by participants.

Several respondents indicated that it took too long to complete the pre-programme worksheet and that two of the resources used in the worksheets were less beneficial than others.

Feedback for Day Two of the Programme - Spotlight Sessions

Like Starting Point, the spotlight sessions were well received by respondents. Across the four spotlight sessions the combined average rating of the entire session was 8.27/10. All respondents across all spotlight sessions either strongly agreed or agreed the learning outcomes were met. 96% of respondents felt that the time allocated across all four of the spotlight sessions was correct; the content was understandable and supportive; that they would be able to apply the knowledge, skills and understanding in the workplace; and that the content was relevant to them and their role.

The use of case studies was liked by participants as was the opportunity to discuss the content with their peers.

There was mixed feedback from respondents about whether the content of the session was pitched at the right level with some suggesting it was most suitable for those newer into their supervisory journey.

Feedback from the Superintendent Rank Sessions

The PMDP is for all People Managers across the organisation, at all ranks and staff grades. A specific pilot was therefore delivered to Superintendent ranks to understand whether the programme required a different focus at the more senior levels.

On day two of the Superintendent Pilot it emerged that the pilot content of the session was more appropriate for first level managers and not Superintendent level and above. The remaining time of the pilot was used to gather feedback from the Superintendents about what would be more appropriate and specific to their level.


As a result of evaluation, the core structure, content, and methodology will remain as originally designed, however there are several recommendations and changes noted below which have already been completed because of the pilot. The programme therefore commenced in September 2023, noting that some recommendations will need to be actioned ahead of delivery to Superintendent Ranks/staff equivalent and above.

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