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Published: 19 March 2024

Partnership Delivery Plan Update - 12 March 2024

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of an update on development and delivery of the partnership delivery plan underpinning the Scottish Police Authority, COSLA and Police Scotland Partnership Agreement.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 March 2024

Date : 12 March 2024

Location : online

Delivery Plan Development

Staff and officers across COSLA, Police Scotland and the Authority have worked to develop a partnership delivery plan which reflects the ambition of the partnership agreement. The actions contained in the delivery plan reflect priority areas of focus, ongoing partnership activity, and new areas of work.

Ongoing development of the delivery plan has been reported through the COSLA/SOLACE/Police Scotland/SPA engagement group, co-chaired by the chair of SOLACE and DCC Local Policing. This operational oversight shaped the direction of the delivery plan and allowed connection to be made to wider areas of work sitting with partners such as the Improvement Service.

As a partnership delivery plan, activity will be delivered collectively by COSLA, Police Scotland and the Authority as shown in the leadership column within the plan. The plan will continue to be regularly reported through internal governance structures, with an annual progress report prepared and considered by the COSLA/SOLACE/Police Scotland/SPA engagement group.

In additional to ongoing operational oversight and monitoring of the delivery plan through the engagement group, progress will also be reported through the COSLA Community Wellbeing Board and Leaders Forum as well as through this committee. Routes to widen engagement with other groups and delivery bodies will continue to be explored, with a particular focus on wider community planning bodies.

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