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Published: 16 September 2024

Parliamentary Correspondence - Response to Police Bill Stage 1 Report

Report Summary

This correspondence sets out the Scottish Police Authority’s views on the Criminal Justice Committee’s Stage 1 Report on the Police (Ethics, Conduct and Scrutiny) Bill. 

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Investigations post resignation/retirement

The Criminal Justice Committee made the following recommendation at paragraph 336:

“The Committee would have concern if any investigations into gross misconduct took longer than necessary. As such, the Committee recommends that any investigations into an officer who has left the force should be completed as timeously as possible. We also recommend that the SPA monitors this process over the initial years to ensure that this is the case and shares its findings with the Committee.”

The Authority accepts this recommendation. The Complaints and Conduct Committee will monitor the length of gross misconduct investigations into former police officers in the initial years of the new legislation and will share its findings with the Committee.

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