Report Summary
The Scottish Police Authority attended the Criminal Justice Committee on Wednesday 30 October 2024 to give evidence as part of its pre-budget scrutiny. The Authority submitted written evidence in advance setting out the context for the policing budget and the challenges and requirements for the years ahead. This aimed to support Committee Members’ questioning on the day.
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Budget Approach
As the Chair of the Authority, I have always sought to come to a shared, clear and evidenced based budget advocacy position with the Chief Constable. This allows us to make the most effective representations to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice. To support this process, the Chief Constable and I meet with a small key group on a regular basis through the year to consider the development of the budget requirement for the year ahead. I established this approach in 2022 and involve other Board members who chair our committees. These efforts culminate with a budget proposal going to the Authority’s Resources Committee for detailed scrutiny and recommendation to the public session of the Authority in March each year.
Since taking office in February 2021, I have worked with the Chief Constable, the Accountable Officer and the Chief Financial Officer to ensure a balanced budget is set and achieved each financial year. I am very proud of the team effort which has eradicated a structural operating deficit.
In addition, since becoming Chair, our accounts have received a clean bill of health with no qualifications from our auditor or a Section 22 report. This has been a priority and critical objective for me while in office - without financial credibility we cannot effectively champion and advocate for investment or further improvement.
Annual budget setting is a major challenge. It fosters a financial environment of uncertainty and short-term decision making. The Authority would strongly advocate for a multi-year settlement approach to allow policing to reform and improve more strategically in the years ahead.
Against this current context, and the Authority’s endorsement of Police Scotland’s vision, priorities and workforce modernisation, we would make the following points in considering the overall policing budget for 2025/26 and future years.