Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Resources Committee with an an update on the financial position of the SPA and Police Scotland for period 10 of the financial year 2024-25.
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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below
Resources Committee -13 March 2025
Date : 13 March 2025
Location : online
Further detail on report topic
Finance provides the routine monitoring report which outlines the year to date and forecast position for the revenue, capital, and reform budgets.
Appendix A provides the detailed period 10 (P10) finance report.
• As previously reported, the Q3 net expenditure forecast is £2.5m over budget, funded by a contribution from Reform to support overall pay award pressures.
• The year-to-date is £1.7m under Q3 forecast, consisting of a mixture of real and timing variances: underspends in non-pay costs (£1.0m), police officer costs (£0.4m) and staff costs (£0.2m); and an over-recovery of income (£0.1m).
• The forecast position will be closely monitored along with any threats and opportunities throughout the remaining months of the financial year.
• The year-to-date actual position is £12.6m under budget which is in line with expectations to fund in-year pay award costs.
• As previously reported, the capital forecast at Q3 (excluding IFRS16 transactions) is £65.3m. When combined with IFRS16 capital, the overall position is a £3.3m forecast overspend against budget (fully funded by an increase in capital receipts £2.4m and other capital grants receivable £0.9m).
• The year-to-date position is running £1.9m behind the Q3 forecast.
• Significant spend of £22.9m is required in the final weeks of the financial year. Targeted and direct action is required by all business areas to land the 2024-25 capital position. The organisation has moved to daily forecasting for all capital areas to ensure successful delivery
• Committed and uncommitted spend will continue to be monitored throughout the remaining months of the year and tracking of these is highlighted in Appendix A.
• The year-to-date capital spend at P10 is under budget by £10.8m (net of slippage).
• As previously reported, the reform forecast at Q3 is £0.2m over budget position (fully funded).
• The Q3 forecast includes £2.5m to support organisational pay award pressures.
• The year-to-date position is running £0.2m behind the Q3 forecast.
• Committed and uncommitted spend will continue to be monitored throughout the remaining months of the year and tracking of these is highlighted in Appendix A.
• The year-to-date reform spend at P10 is under budget by £2.0m (net of slippage).