Report Summary
This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Resources Committee with an an update on the financial position of the SPA and Police Scotland for period 10 of the financial year 2024-25.
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Resources Committee -13 March 2025
Date : 13 March 2025
Location : online
The Board approved the 2024-25 annual budget on 21 March 2024 which set out the spending plans for Police Scotland, Forensic Services and SPA Corporate regarding revenue, capital, and reform for the coming financial year.
The Authority received a core revenue funding increase of £75.7m (5.6%), £18.4m of which was required to meet the additional cost of the 2023-24 pay award. An additional £3.2m of revenue funding has been awarded in-year and this has been reflected in the revised budget.
Anticipated cost pressures (premises costs, new technology, ill health retirals, injury pensions), inflationary pressures and assumptions for 2024-25 pay have been included within the budget build. The budget report highlighted the key budgeting assumptions that are sensitive to change, and which could result in a material change to the 2024-25 budget. The overall financial position continues to be monitored and reported throughout the year.
The budget allocation for 2024-25 includes a core budget for a maximum of 16,600 officers (plus externally funded additionality e.g. Local Authorities) and police staff at 2023-24 budgeted levels.
A change in the employer pension contribution rates payable has resulted in a short-term benefit for the organisation. This has been used to fund VR/VER exit packages and additional pay costs.
Capital funding of £66.1m (including capital receipts and IFRS 16 adjustments) was allocated in the original 2024-25 budget, representing an uplift of £11.7m (22.1%). An additional £7.0m of IFRS16 capital funding has been allocated in-year to cover year-end accounting adjustments and £0.1m for a capital programme initiative.
Similar to previous years, £25.0m has been ring-fenced to support reform and transformation.
Capital and reform allocations have been made in line with the Chief Constables priorities of service delivery against areas of greatest threat, risk and harm, strong investment in digital capabilities, focus on change that most benefit our communities and people and spend to save initiatives.