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Published: 19 April 2023

Non-Disclosure Agreements - 13 March 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Legal Committee with an overview of Non-Disclosure Agreements.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Legal Committee - 13 March 2023

Date : 13 March 2023

Location : online

Further Detail

The SPA Legal Committee has a strategic oversight and governance role with respect to legal actions involving Police Scotland.  Police Scotland’s use of NDAs attracted criticism and there was a consensus of Board Members that their use lacks transparency.  Accordingly Members wished to be addressed on the number of NDAs used throughout the previous calendar year and to be satisfied that there were sound legal reasons for their use and that there was no attempt to prevent whistleblowing or failure to comply with the ACAS guidance on their use.

A number of reports have been laid before the Committee showing the number of NDAs entered into and a summary provided as to why they were used. 

Non-Disclosure Agreements or COT-3 Agreements are routinely used by parties to litigation in settling claims.  Overwhelmingly Police Scotland requests NDAs for commercial reasons or to protect the confidentiality of serving Police officers.  The Board have also been provided with information that shows that NDAs are often requested by the other party to the agreement.

Since the SPA sought stronger oversight of Police Scotland’s use of NDAs, the following practices and procedures have been implemented which provides stronger governance and oversight:

Those instructed to act on behalf of Police Scotland have been advised that NDAs should only be used when very good reasons exist for doing so and that their use has to be sanctioned by the instructing Solicitor;

A register is kept within the office of the Legal Services Manager that records every NDA and the reason for entering into such an agreement.

DCC Taylor introduced further governance of their use by instructing regular reports be made to her on their use and she has access to the Register referred to above.

The Committee has undertaken oversight and governance of Police Scotland’s use of NDAs throughout 2022.  It has been shown there is strong oversight of their use and further governance and oversight has been introduced.

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