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Published: 13 June 2023

NCA Performance in Scotland - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of NCA Performance in Scotland. 

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Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online

Support to partners through specialist capabilities

The NCA has developed a range of niche capabilities, which are used to support Agency investigations and those held across the wider system. Below are examples of these capabilities being utilised to manage SOC threats impacting on Scotland over Q3 and Q4.

Major Crime Investigation Support (MCIS)

MCIS provides policing with support in relation to major crime and vulnerable / intimidated witnesses of major crimes.

MCIS provided support to Police Scotland on 59 cases, deploying officers on 74 occasions in Q3 and Q4. Cases concerned murder, sexual offences, rape, suspicious/unexplained deaths, missing persons and non-accidental injury (NAI) and included:
Male arrested and charged with child abduction and sexual offences.
A missing child investigation, with a suspect identified.
Two linked money laundering investigations, also involving the Complex Financial Crime Unit.

UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU)

The UKFIU has national responsibility for managing Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs).

SARs from financial institutions and other professionals alert law enforcement to potential money laundering or terrorist financing. Support has resulted in SARs being fast-tracked for Police Scotland, which included:
121 related to suspected vulnerable persons
73 related to suspected child exploitation
14 related to suspected Human Trafficking

Police Scotland being supported in action to deny assets of £35,100 from 1,355 Defence Against Money Laundering (DAML) requests under the Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) 2002.

Anti-Kidnap & Extortion Unit (AKEU)

The AKEU is the national repository for kidnap, blackmail and sextortion complaints, advising police forces, other partners and commercial enterprises globally in live kidnap matters.

AKEU received 18 requests for support from Police Scotland in Q3 and Q4, providing support for each request. This included five kidnap investigations and six blackmail investigations.

UK Protected Persons Service (UKPPS)

The UKPPS provides and enables protection arrangements to individuals, witnesses and other vulnerable people at risk of serious harm. As part of UKPPS, the NCA Central Services Unit provides operational support to the Police Scotland Protected Persons Unit.

In Q3, 7 days of training were provided to 40 Police Scotland representatives. The training included the annual UKPPS Continuous Professional Development conference and the UKPPS ‘roadshow’, which involved training delivered to Police Scotland’s Protected Persons team in relation to their specific functions.

In Q4, 22 days of training were provided to 6 Police Scotland representatives. This training involved the UKPPS ‘Supervisors, Managers and DPP’ course and the UKPPS ‘Protected Persons Practitioner’ course.

UK National Central Office (UKNCO) for the Suppression of Counterfeit Currency and Protected Coins
The UKNCO records and analyses all seizures of counterfeit currency in the UK. They also provide expert witness evidence and investigative support to law enforcement partners.

UKNCO processed 28 requests for witness statements for Police Scotland in quarters three and four. Liaison between the UKNCO and Police Officers in Scotland identified a suspect who was travelling to Glasgow and Edinburgh and passing these counterfeit polymer notes. As a consequence of co-ordination activity by the UKNCO a number of the offences were joined resulting in the imprisonment of this prolific offender.

The UK Missing Persons Unit (UKMPU)

The UKMPU is the UK national and international point of contact for all missing-person and unidentified bodies/people cases. It is the centre for information exchange and expertise on missing-person issues.

In quarters three and four UKMPU supported Police Scotland with the following:

Offering a report to explore if any other unidentified remains could potentially be a match toa missing person. Following a case specific, tailored search criteria, the highest scoring missing persons from the UKMPU’s database were established. Joint working with the NCA’s Major Crime Investigative Support team is ongoing.

Guidance given and specialist research undertaken to support local policing teams following the report of a male missing from a mobile oil rig. The missing person has not been located and the investigation is ongoing.

The Agency received positive feedback from Police Scotland on support provided.

Following reports a missing unaccompanied asylum seeking child (UASC), NCA officers advised on the collection of biometrics and the National Referral Mechanism. The UKMPU liaised with the Immigration Fingerprint Bureau on behalf of Police Scotland and, supplemented case specific advice with a national overview of policing response to missing UASC.

A high risk missing person was last seen on CCTV in close proximity to a river. UKMPU issued a Coastal Alert and Maritime Group Circulation to allow for wide geographical coverage. Advice was offered to the SIO and relevant partners.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit (MSHTU)

The MSHTU supports partners to build the strategic threat picture, enable operational activities and delivering high profile projects, to tackle the threat from Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

The NCA MSHTU received six requests for tactical advice from Police Scotland in quarters three and four. Additionally, Police Scotland were invited to a training session in November to raise awareness of organ tourism/ harvesting. This was conducted by the Human Tissue Authority and the Metropolitan Police. The training was aimed at medical personnel, with law enforcement invited to attend for awareness. Pending the outcome of some ongoing cases in the UK, MSHTU will compile a future training webinar aimed specifically for law enforcement.

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