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Published: 16 September 2024

Naloxone Public Briefing - 2024 Update

Keywords : Naloxone community safety d

Report Summary

A public briefing on Naloxone use by Police Scotland.

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What is Naloxone?

Naloxone is a lawful first aid intervention which is a temporary antidote to opioid/opiate overdose, it reverses the effects of overdose if used within a short period of time.

The World Health Organisation state any person who is likely to witness or come into contact with a person with a suspected overdose should carry naloxone.

“The efficacy of naloxone is not in dispute. Naloxone is a WHO-recommended medicine, and efficacy has been proven in several published studies and pilots. Naloxone is a safe, effective drug, with no dependence-forming potential.“ Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs

n 2005 Naloxone Hydrochloride was added to the list of medicines in Schedule 19 to the Human Medicines Regulations 2012.  This means that Naloxone can be legally administered by persons other than doctors, dentists etc, provided this is for the purpose of saving someone's life in an emergency.

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