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Published: 16 September 2024

Naloxone Public Briefing - 2024 Update

Keywords : Naloxone community safety d

Report Summary

A public briefing on Naloxone use by Police Scotland.

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The implementation of the carriage of Naloxone by Police Scotland

The Naloxone ToC was conducted over a six-month period between March and October 2021,with three areas initially identified across Scotland with a fourth identified a month into the ToC:

  • C Division – Falkirk
  • G Division – Dundee City
  • G Division – Glasgow East
  • N Division - Caithness

All officers from the rank of Police Constable, up to and including the rank of Police Inspector were required to complete the mandatory naloxone training to ensure they were equipped with the knowledge and skills to administer naloxone in the event of an opioid overdose. However, the carriage of naloxone remained a voluntary decision through the ToC, allowing officers to choose whether or not to have it equipped to their utility belt on duty.  

An evaluation of the ToC was conducted by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research in February 2022. One of the recommendations from the evaluation report was the carriage of Naloxone should be rolled out nationally across Scotland, supported by in-depth training, to improve the understanding of problematic drugs use and to reduce stigma. The carriage of Naloxone by officers was welcomed by both community and strategic stakeholders.

Following this evaluation, the Chief Constable committed to a national roll out of Naloxone. Beginning in August 2022, Police Scotland began this 12-month roll out plan. As of August 2023, 12,500 officers, in both local and national divisions, within Police Scotland had completed the necessary training. This equates to 12,500 front line officers in both local and national teams. Naloxone is now part of the standard issue kit for these officers.

After completing the initial Naloxone training course, officers receive an annual refresher course and their equipment is quality assured. Alongside the practical training on the use of Naloxone,  probationers receive training focusing on stigma surrounding drug use.

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) voiced concerns on the carriage of Naloxone by officers, specifically relating to demands faced by officers and the potential legal consequences that could be experienced by officers administering Naloxone.

Despite these initial concerns, federated officers are supportive of the use of Naloxone. This followed attendance at Naloxone Steering Group and face-to face training session, where the SPF was sighted on all aspects of the national rollout. The SPF now support the use of Naloxone, recognising its life saving value. Following the announcement of the national roll out, the SPF confirmed that any officer who administers Naloxone will receive support from the SPF.

Police Scotland have reported that officers request to be equipped with Naloxone, and that officers are “eager” to be equipped with Naloxone. In addition, it has been reported that officers involved in the test of change valued the inclusion of Naloxone in the standard issue kit.

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