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Published: 24 January 2023

Naloxone National Roll Out - 7 December 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the Naloxone National Roll Out.

The purpose of this paper is to provide an update to the SPA regarding the nationwide implementation of Police Scotland carriage of Naloxone.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 7 December 2022

Date : 07 December 2022

Location : online

Further Detail

The national rollout process will see the procurement, training and delivery of Naloxone to around 12,500 Police Scotland Officers. The Scottish Government has agreed to fully fund the project which entails the provision of Naloxone to Local Health Boards throughout Scotland, allowing each Health Board to provide naloxone to policing divisions when required. Further funding has been provided to equip all Police Scotland officers with individual pouches to carry naloxone as part of their standard uniform.

The Scottish Government provided funding for two officers to continue work within PPCW’s Naloxone Co-ordination Unit has also been extended to December 2023, these officers will directly oversee the National rollout process, engaging with Divisions following each administration.

The national rollout began on 31st August 2022 (International Overdose Awareness Day) and will see probationary Officers receiving training during their initial Scottish Police College course.

Additionally, all current operational officers will complete a Moodle training package which was produced in collaboration between Naloxone Coordination and the Scottish Drugs Forum. This bespoke training package is now live for officers in divisions next to receive naloxone, the package includes learning on Naloxone and the associated legislation for legal administrations of the drug, how to administer Naloxone, signs of a drug overdose and targeting the stigma often associated with substance use addiction.

Further to this, each officer will receive Naloxone refresher training during their annual officer safety training.

Each policing division has previously identified divisional Champions (minimum rank of Inspector) who have been provided with a 2 hour face to face training session on Naloxone and will act as support within Divisions for any Naloxone related questions. They in turn will receive support from PPCW’s Naloxone Coordination department.

The Naloxone Coordination department will receive the 12500 naloxone pouches in phased deliveries, this is due to the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The department received the first 3000 pouches at the beginning of November. It is expected around 4000 Police Scotland Officers will be trained and equipped with naloxone by mid-December 2022, this number includes officers who took part in the Test of change.

The next shipment of 9500 naloxone pouches is due for delivery during January 2023 with all operational officers expected to be equipped during January-February 2023 (dependent on delivery date of pouches).

Newly trained probationers will receive their naloxone training by staff and leave the Scottish Police College early 2023 equipped with naloxone when they attend their assigned local Policing Division.

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