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Published: 23 November 2022

Mental Health Governance & Demand - 11 October 2022

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Mental Health Governance & Demand. 

The purpose of this briefing paper is to provide a progress update in respect of the work PPCW Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Department in conjunction with Demand and Productivity Unit have carried out to create a Mental Health Dashboard.

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 11 October 2022

Date : 11 October 2022

Location : online

Next Steps

The next step is to take the Dashboard to a local policing division and work with them to use the live time data and understand how the information can be used to gain insight with regard to demand. It is intended to work with a local policing division to trial this for a four-week period, to allow an understanding of what is possible and the insights that will be available.

It will be trialled in a division with urban and rural populations for maximum learning and understanding, allowing preparation communications and guidance to support local policing divisions as the dashboard goes live nationally. PPCW will create a monthly report which will be available for all divisions and kept under review as we build our knowledge in this area. As the Dashboard embeds and divisions start to gain insights PPCW and DPU will review the dashboard.

Following the testing and launch of the dashboard, an informed decision will be taken on the next stage. This will be to review the areas of hidden demand beyond the initial area of response, such as custody and the public protection arena where mental health can be a significant impact factor in demand. Following this review the next area will be identified and In order to taken forward by PPCW, DPU and the relevant areas of business. It is estimated that this is likely to take between 6-12 months.

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