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Published: 18 September 2023

Mental Health and Policing - A Public Briefing

Report Summary

A Public Briefing explaining the issues surrounding mental health and policing. This Briefing provides details about the Scottish context along with work being conducted in this area. Published in May 2023.

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Scotland's Strategy

In 2017 the Scottish Government published the Mental Health Strategy 2017 – 2027, aiming to create a Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from discrimination and stigma.

Both this Strategy and the Vision for Justice in Scotland recognise that many people who come into contact with the criminal justice system may suffer from poor mental health and that person-centred, trauma-informed approaches need to be at the heart of service provision as part of a broader, preventative public health approach.

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Mental Health, Vulnerability and Policing

Published: 18 September 2023