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Published: 12 April 2023

Members Q2 Expenses 2022-23

Keywords : Martyn Evans Jane Ryder Michelle Miller Caroline Stuart Grant Macrae Mary Pitcaithly Katharina Kasper Tom Halpin Alasdair Hay Paul Edie Catriona Stewart Fiona McQueen

Report Summary

This document details the remuneration expenses paid to Members of the Scottish Police Authority for the period 1 July 2022 - 30 September 2022 (Q2).

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Expenses Guidance

Expense claims cover taxable and non-taxable costs relating to travel, subsistence and any other reasonable other out of pocket expenses costs arising from their appointment.  The table above shows the total day rate remuneration and expenses claimed by each Board member per quarter.

At the end of each financial year, within the remuneration report of the Annual Report and Accounts the Authority reports the annual cost of all Members remuneration and taxable expenses which is subject to external audit.

¹ Please note that ‘Other’ can cover a range of expenses including: accommodation, childcare/ carer costs and any other reasonable costs.

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