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Published: 13 April 2023

Members Expenses - Q1 2022-2023

Keywords : Martyn Evans Jane Ryder Miche Michelle Miller Mary Pitcaithly Caroline Stuart Grant Macrae Fiona McQueen Katharina Kasper Catriona Stewart Tom Halpin Alasdair Hay Jane Ryder Paul Edie

Report Summary

This document details the remuneration and expenses paid to Members of the Scottish Police Authority for the period 1 April 2022 - 30 June 2022 (Q1).

Remuneration Rates

Members of the Scottish Police Authority are appointed by Scottish Government.  Members hold public office and are not employees. Members receive an agreed attendance allowance (i.e. day rate) that is subject to tax and national insurance for their time.   The daily rate and agreed maximum time commitment is detailed in the table below.


Attendance allowance

Day rate

Maximum number of days per financial year



72 days

Vice Chair


108 days



180 days

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Members Q4 Expenses 2021-22

Published: 12 April 2023