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Published: 08 September 2023

MCE Programme Update - 12 September 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority Policing Performance Committee with an overview of the projects and work within the MCE programme.


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 12 September 2023

Date : 12 September 2023

Location : online



The NICCS change request CR005 which has now been created has financial implications for the Force and will be presented at the next change board for approval. The request is to approve a new completion date for the project, from Sep 2023 to August 2024.

It is also seeking approval for additional funding of around £1.4 million to ensure the project meets the new timeline to deliver the essential systems. This sum is made up of £750,000 which is required to maintain the legacy ICCS during the interim period, £500,000 staff capitalisation for the new timeline and £180,000 to cover costs identified for training, and to address skills fade within C3. These costs are approximate figures and full details are detailed within the change request.

The resources within these costs are all essential for the delivery of the system due to their identified skillset and expertise and it is worth noting that the supplier of the system has not increased any of their costs.


As above there will be a requirement for the NICCS project team to stay on the project due to the extended timelines due to the criticality of the project and their expertise required to deliver it.


The proportionate response to crime (4.1) pilot within A Division may have reputational implications for the Force. This was identified at an early stage and the team have been engaging with stakeholders. The project team will continue to engage during and after the pilot and provide a full evaluation prior to any decisions on further implementation are made.

Following the launch of the pilot, there was extensive media reporting locally and nationally after some proactive messaging from the Force in line with the agreed Communications Strategy.

The view from Corporate Communications is that the coverage, in the main, was balanced and a number of follow up enquiries were considered to provide clarity on reporting.

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