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Published: 13 June 2023

Local Policing Service Delivery Review - 15 June 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Local Policing Service Delivery Review. 

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023

Date : 15 June 2023

Location : online



The budget submission for 2023/24 includes £510K Reform Pay which was an increase from the planned cost and reflect the slippage of any approved SIE resource into FY 2023/24. £100K for a one off Reform Revenue cost for travel and accommodation is included in the submission to highlight the additionality relating to inflated costs of travel and accommodation.


Already highlighted in paragraph 2.7, authority has been given to recruit the temporary SIE and SD resources required to support LPSDR and the wider service design integration across MC&E and PPDP.

Engagement with SIE is ongoing to identify options available to ensure the delivery of this work stream is achieved utilising current resources whilst activity is ongoing to recruit the approved resources.


LPSDR has the potential to have significant positive reputational implications for the organisation.  Through the adoption of a Design led approach to this work, engagement is being carried out with our people, partners and citizens.  This engagement is allowing us to listen and better understand the needs and challenges faced by each of these groups.  As we move towards the next phases of this work they will continue to play a vital role in shaping the future model of Local Policing.  

There is however a risk that if the findings of Discovery are not progressed that there may be a possibility for reputational damage to be done.  This may manifest in a loss of confidence in the organisation by listening to the needs of our service users whilst then failing to take appropriate action to make the necessary improvements needed to improve service delivery.


As we are currently within the Discovery phase of the LPSDR work, we remain within the status quo.  As the work develops there is the possibility for significant social implications and impact on the public.  As mentioned above the Service Design approach enables the design of future services with the public and other service users.  This approach will continue to involve engagement with a range of key stakeholders and members of the public.


Currently LPSDR discovery work is focussed within both Forth Valley and Highlands and Islands Divisions.  This has involved a significant amount of positive engagement with our community partners, stakeholders and members of the public.  We have ensured that we have listened to representatives from a wide range of communities across these Divisions.  LPSDR though has the potential to be far reaching in terms of its community impact.   


As mentioned above we have undertaken positive engagement with a number of organisations and community representatives, providing them a platform to express their thoughts and opinions on local policing.  We have taken the time to listen to members of our seldom heard communities and through the work undertaken both within Strategy and Engagement and Partnerships, Prevention and Community Wellbeing we will continue to listen to these voices as they are vital in ensuring that any future model takes into consideration that needs of every community in Scotland.