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Published: 02 October 2023

Levenmouth - June 2023 – Community Confidence Engagement Results

Report Summary

This report outlines the key themes from the SPA and Police Scotland’s engagements in Levenmouth which aimed to gain insights into views on the findings of the community confidence survey and how policing could be enhanced to inform the second phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Levenmouth.

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Ideas for Enhancing Confidence

Communication and Engagement

Communication and engagement from the police was felt to be a key element in building confidence. Greater police presence at local venues was seen as invaluable by respondents. Attendance at local community meetings and running coffee with a cop/coppucino events were highlighted in particular.

Social media was identified as an area of improvement in order to increase engagement. Social media posts were considered too corporate and not local, thus not feeling genuine. The use of social media, as well as other Police Scotland media streams, to let local residents know that their needs and concerns are being addressed was also highlighted.

It was highlighted that previously an engagement officer was in post who would attend local groups/events. This was a funded post that has since ended, however, it was noted that Police Scotland are seeking to have another engagement officer in post by October 2023.

It was also noted that local police currently work with young people in the area. In some cases police work out of uniform which helps to create a sense of trust with young people. It is hoped that these engagement activities with young people continue.


The clear visibility of police officers in the local community was highlighted and reflects comments submitted as part of the Levenmouth survey for those aged 16 and over. The presence of “on the beat” police officers, rather than the use of CCTV, in crime hotspots was seen as more valuable in combatting crime in the local community.

As highlighted in ‘Communication and Engagement’, police attendance at local meetings and events would be seen as positive according to attendees. This included meetings in the local community to explain the role of the police.


Linked to communications, it was felt there needed to be more education about the Scottish criminal justice system. It was also noted that local residents may not know what constitutes a police matter or the roles and responsibilities of police and other agencies in order to effectively seek assistance.

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 21 February 2025