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Published: 18 April 2024

Levenmouth - February 2024 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Levenmouth as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Levenmouth.

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A higher proportion of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that Levenmouth has a sense of community (37%, n=16).

However, this is closely followed by 30% (both n=13) who disagree/strongly disagree and neither agree nor disagree. The proportion of people who neither agree nor disagree Levenmouth has a sense of community has decreased since Feb-Mar 2023 and the proportion of those who strongly agree/agree strongly and disagree/strongly disagree has increased.

When asked on their general thoughts and feelings of Levenmouth, 29 comments were received. These largely related to anti-social behaviour (e.g. “Teens and youths need watching though, and tackled and reprimanded”, “Teenagers on unlicensed motorbikes”, “Teenagers lout around drinking alcohol, vaping, smoking with no fear of being caught”, vandalism, etc.).There was also mention of police response times (“report a crime and a 'Police Scotland' officer from Inverness will call you back weeks later”, “Police response times is a joke!”), lack of police visibility (“Police do a great job but there is not enough of them”, “I feel for the local force as again with everything it’s down to money and everyone would like to see more officers on the streets”) and drug dealing.

Numerous respondents noted that a lack of police resources impacted upon their effectiveness and overall availability (“There is still a bit of drug activity and antisocial behaviour in my area but fully understand that the police are doing the best they can with the resources they have”, “Policing teams are doing their best
but ultimately they are having to prioritise due to under resourcing”, “I feel the individual police officers work hard but given the community and funding they cannot do what is required”).

One respondent noted that the area has been “badly neglected by statutory agencies”. Another respondent noted a sense of community in individual towns and areas and praised the work of Levenmouth Together events and those held at Silverburn in promoting a sense of community.

Ward 21: Leven, Kennoway and Windygates, Lundin Links and Largos

In Ward 21, a higher proportion of respondents scored ‘Strongly disagree/Disagree’ and ‘Strongly agree/Agree’ when asked if Levenmouth has a sense of community (37%, both n=7).

Ward 22: Buckhaven, Methil, Methilhill, Wemyss Villages

In Ward 21, a higher proportion of respondents scored ‘Strongly agree/Agree’ and ‘Neither agree nor disagree’ when asked if Levenmouth has a sense of community (35%, both n=8). 26% (n=6) scored ‘Strongly disagree/Disagree’.

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