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Published: 18 April 2024

Levenmouth - February 2024 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Levenmouth as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Levenmouth.

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Awareness of Initiatives

The majority of respondents were aware of at least one of the initiatives put in place by local policing. In total 19 respondents (44%) were not aware of any initiatives, whereas 24 (56%) were aware of at least one. Respondents were more likely to be familiar with the revised social media approach (46%, n=20) and promoting communications via Improving Levenmouth Together (ILT) (40%, n=17).

When asked to give their views on initiatives if they had been aware of them, eighteen responses were received. Two noted the positive impact of a community event in Buckhaven and getting the chance to engage with local police. Two highlighted an increased presence of officers walking the beat, including higher-ranking officers. Three noticed an increase in the work of local policing being promoted on social media and via leaflets. Two described greater engagement with children, including noting that “the officers that work in
Levenmouth have active engagement with some of the younger year S1/2 classes”.

If respondents were not aware of the initiatives, they were asked as to how they could be made aware in future. In total 23 comments were received, with 16 containing suggestions.

There were nine suggestions for physical media (e.g. leaflets through doors, posters in shops etc.) and one also noted “small community meetings”.

Eight comments mentioned social media, with four specifically referencing Facebook, but one comment noted difficulties in reaching those who don’t use Facebook.

One comment highlighted the possibility of local schools providing information to give to parents or including it in school newsletters.

Three comments mentioned presence/visibility (e.g. “actual visibility in the community”, “more police officers out on the streets, particularly at weekends”). One comment recommended working with local car clubs to offer road safety support for young drivers and drivers with modified vehicles to abide by the law, road policing drop in questions etc for modified / young drivers who want to abide by the law, including to “come to meets to chat to people”.

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