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Published: 17 October 2023

Letham - October 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Letham as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Letham.

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Primary 4 to 7

Q2: If I had a general worry or problem outside of school I would…

Figure 12 shows that results were broadly similar between January 2023 and August/September 2023 as to actions pupils would take if they had a problem or worry outside of school. In both January 2023 and August/September 2023 a higher proportion of pupils would not be sure of what they would do followed by those who would ‘go up and speak to a police officer’. In August/September 2023 there was an equal split of those who would ‘maybe phone 101 or 999’ and ‘not speak to the police’ – whereas in January 2023 a higher proportion would maybe phone 101 or 999.

Of the 19% (n=7) in August/September 2023 who would not speak to the police, three would call the police straight away if they were in danger and needed help, one would maybe call the police, two were not sure what they would do, and one would not call the police (all except this respondent felt the police would help them if they were in danger).

This varies from January 2023 as of the 17% (n=16) who would not speak to the police, all thought they would either call the police straight away or maybe at some point if they were in danger and needed help, and all but one thought they would help them if they were in danger.

Q3: If I was in danger and needed help, I would…

Figure 13 shows that results were broadly similar between January 2023 and August/September 2023 as to actions pupils would take if they were in danger and needed help. In both January 2023 and August/September 2023 the majority of pupils would call the police straight away. This was followed by those who would maybe call the police at some point.

Only a minority were not sure what they would do (n=5 in January 2023 and n=2 in August/September 2023) or would not call the police (n=2 in January 2023 and n=1 in August/September 2023).

Q4: If I was in danger and needed help, I think the police would…

Figure 14 again shows that results were broadly similar between January 2023 and August/September 2023 as whether pupils felt police would help them if they were in danger and needed help. In both January 2023 and August/September 2023 the majority of pupils felt the police would help them.

Q5: Thinking about your answers above, can you tell us why you chose these options?

For Question 5, when asked to reflect on their answers to the previous questions and comment on why they chose these options, 31 pupils left comments.

Comments largely related to how they believed the police would help them (e.g. help as it is their job, they would know to call police for help, or they have previously been helped etc.).

Other comments related to police keeping them safe/to stay safe, knowing police were safe people, and that their choices were sensible. Two noted it depended on the circumstances (e.g. would call police if it was “really bad” and if they were in school they would not need to call the police).

Q6: Have you noticed new things that the police have been doing in Letham in the last few months?

Figure 15 shows that the majority of pupils (81%, n=29) were unaware of any of the initiatives that Police Scotland had put in place in Letham. 17% (n=6) had noticed some new things, and one (3%) did not answer.

If pupils selected ‘Yes’ they were asked to comment on what they had noticed. In total 10 comments were received, six from those who selected ‘Yes’ and four from those who selected ‘No’.

Of those who selected ‘Yes’, comments included noting they had seen some police cars down their street, noticed more police cars around and “less fights”, there had been “some officers patrolling events or festivals”, and that they are helping more people/reacting faster.

Of those who selected ‘No’, one comment noted they had seen more police cars going about. Others said they had not noticed as they did not live in Letham or they had not been aware of anything.

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Community Confidence Action Research

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