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Published: 17 October 2023

Letham - October 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Letham as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Letham.

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General Comments

In total, 10 comments were received when respondents were asked if they had any comments on the topics raised within the survey. Of these three mentioned police visibility, with one stating “More police = less crime. It really is that simple!”, one wanting more police on the street and another stating no visibility (and also noting drug use). Another respondent also noted issues in the area including drug use, anti-social behaviour and drunken behaviour, and two comments mentioned issues around parking and speeding.

Two comments referred to lack of police engagement after contacting, and one a lack of trust in reporting an incident as they “didn’t trust they’d arrive or provide a proportional response if they did”. However, one mentioned seeing police officers at a local primary school café.

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Community Confidence Action Research

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