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Published: 17 October 2023

Letham - October 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Letham as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Letham.

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Figure 11 shows that a higher proportion of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that Letham has a sense of community (37%, n=10). However, this is closely followed by 33% (n=9) who disagree/strongly disagree.

The proportion of people who strongly agree/agree Letham has a sense of community has decreased since Sept-Nov 2022 and the proportion of those who strongly disagree/disagree have increased.

When asked on their general thoughts and feelings of Letham, 22 comments were received. These largely related to anti-social behaviour (e.g. “undesirable people walking the streets shouting and swearing”, “there is a lot of poverty in Letham, which results in a lot of anti-social behaviour”, fighting etc.), feelings of lots of crime (“crime is rife”) and drug dealing. There were also some mention of fears of safety and some comments on lack of police visibility – with one noting they felt there was more visible policing “back in the Tayside Police days”. A respondent also noted they felt that more joint police/council working practices would be helpful e.g. “a police social visit to residents to ask them about their concerns”.

One respondent noted they felt a Community Council for the area was needed, along with “fostering a sense of pride in surroundings and speaking out against bad, criminal and antisocial behaviour. 'What's the point in complaining-itis' is endemic.”. Another felt that the community group Letham4All was helping with a sense of community.

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