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Published: 02 October 2023

Letham - March 2023 – Community Confidence Under 16 Survey Key Findings

Report Summary

This report outlines the key findings from the joint SPA and Police Scotland survey/questions for those under the age of 16 as part of the first phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Letham.

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Primary 1 to 3

Teachers were given a set of questions asking how pupils felt about the police (with a happy, neutral and sad) face options, along with what would make them feel happy about the police.

Pupils in Primary 1 and 3 generally felt happy about the police (results for Primary 2 were not provided for this question).

All years responded to the question on what would make them feel happy about the police. It was noted that some children could not describe what the police do, and there was a desire for more engagement with police e.g. meeting police, seeing police more, seeing insight a police station, seeing what police do and what they use (to take people to jail and question them), knowing more about their cars and motorbikes etc. It was also noted that there could be more understanding on police roles and responsibilities, and how they support and help children, families and schools.

Other comments related to police keeping them safe, making sure there is “no bad guys”, being nice and caring, helping if they were needed, having dogs that help find them if they are lost/”sniff out bad guys”, and arresting “bad people”.

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 21 February 2025