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Published: 02 October 2023

Letham - March 2023 – Community Confidence Engagement Results

Report Summary

This report outlines the key themes from the SPA and Police Scotland’s engagements in Letham which aimed to gain insights into views on the findings of the community confidence survey and how policing could be enhanced to inform the second phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Letham.

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Views on the survey results

There were differences in opinion on whether people agreed the results were an accurate depiction of the issues in the area. However, there was general agreement that the findings were not surprising.

Participants felt that people’s expectation of police and public services were different post-lockdown compared to pre-lockdown (e.g. tolerance levels lower and current issues perceived as bigger now than they were years ago). Furthermore, it was noted that ‘social confidence’ is lower post Covid-19 so getting people to engage, work together and come to events is harder.

Participants highlighted that it was felt nothing would be done or change if a crime/incident was reported to police, and that receiving no follow up after reporting a crime/incident could deter reporting. However, it was noted by some that much of the work done by police and partners can be invisible, and that there can sometimes be confusion around responsibilities of police and local authority (e.g. antisocial behaviour, neighbour issues and Antisocial Behaviour Order management). This was evident in some suggestions for ways to enhance confidence in policing which would not be within the remit of policing e.g. parks and streets needing to be better lit.

Lack of police resourcing was also expressed as a possible reason for not contacting the police, with a belief expressed that only serious crime would be prioritised. Participants noted a general lack of respect for authority figures (e.g. police and teachers).

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 21 February 2025