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Published: 02 October 2023

Letham - December 2022 – Community Confidence Survey Key Findings

Report Summary

This report outlines key findings from the joint SPA and Police Scotland survey conducted as part of the first phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Letham along with Your Police Survey data for 2021-22 and 2022-23.

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Section 2: Your Police Survey – Letham, Perth

The following report has been compiled to analyse the results from the Your Police survey from people who are resident within the Letham area of Perth. Data has been gathered for the time period 1st April 2021 until 13th October 2022. Data is shown for both financial years separately to determine any changes in opinion within the current financial year.

Chart 1: Total Survey returns

The chart shows an increase in responses this year compared to last year. There has, therefore, been a greater level of engagement from residents of Letham in the past six months.

Chart 2: How safe do you feel in your area?

There has been an increase in the number of people who feel safe in their community this year. The level of persons stating they do not feel safe remains static at 9 responses but the percentage of all respondents who do not feel safe has fallen from 28% to 22% due to the increased sample size. In total, this year 71% (n=29) of people state they feel safe within their community.

Chart 3: Concerns about crime

The community still continue to have concerns about crime with very few people stating their concerns had decreased. Indeed, more than half of people stated their concerns had increased. The level of concern has not altered significantly in the current year.

Chart 4: Police Listen to the Concerns of Local People

The results of this question appear to alter considerably between the two years of analysis. This may be partly due to options available for persons to respond with. Overall, the percentage of persons who disagree with the statement has only increased slightly to 39% (n=16) from 34% (n=11) of replies last year. A large number of people this year have replied that they either agree or disagree whereas there were no replies for this response last year. This appears to have impacted on the number of people who have agreed with the statement that Police listen to public concerns.

Chart 5: Local Community Concerns

The main issues that impact upon the local residents of Letham are drug dealing/abuse and antisocial behaviour including youth disorder. This year has seen an increase in concerns regarding speeding and bogus caller incidents.

Chart 6: Police are dealing with issues that affect my local area

There has been a marked change in the results to this question this year with more than half of people now stating police are not dealing with issues that affect the area compared to only a quarter of responses last year.

Chart 7: Police are friendly and approachable

The public have seen a change in the way regarding how friendly and approachable the police are in Letham. Last year, half of replies (n=16) disagreed with this statement whereas now only 12% disagree (n=5). Previously only 19% (n=6) agreed with the statement whereby now 54% (n=22) of people agree that the police are friendly and approachable.

Chart 8: I have Respect for Police in my Local Area

There has also been an increase in the level of respect towards police this year. Almost two thirds of replies this year agree with the statement compared to under half of replies last year. Those who stated they do not respect the police have fallen with only 12% (n=5) of replies this year disagreeing with the statement.

Chart 9: I have Confidence in the Police in my Local Area

The level of people who disagree with this statement has increased from 19% (n=6) last year to 41% (n=17) this year with the difference correlating to the earlier question regarding whether people believed police were dealing with issues within the area.

Chart 10: The Police are doing a Good Job in my Local Area

The results show less people agreeing with this statement this year. The percentage of those who disagree with this has remained at the same level with 31% (n=10) in 2021/22 and 32% (n=13) in 2022/23 of replies disagreeing with this statement in each of the past two years.

Chart 11: Police Scotland is an Organisation I can Trust

The results for this question remain very similar for both years. After removing the blanks for the current year, the split between all answers remains roughly the same with a third of people agreeing and a third disagreeing.

Chart 12: How easy was it to contact Police Scotland

This question is not applicable to a high number of people who replied to the survey, with only 13 providing an answer in both years. The results do show that more than half of those who answered the question found it easy to contact Police Scotland. Only 23% (n=3) of those who answered the question this year stated it was difficult to contact the police compared to 38% (n=5) last year.

Chart 13: Based on your overall experience of communicating with Police Scotland, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you

Again, a large number of people did not answer this question so the findings cannot be considered meaningful. In 2021/22 and 2022/23 only 13 respondents provided an answer. This year the same number of respondents are satisfied as those who are not satisfied (n=6).

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 21 February 2025