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Published: 06 May 2024

Legal Services Claims Handling - Quarterly Statistical Information Report - Trends & Analysis in litigation - 14 May 2024

Keywords : settlements liability motor liability claims

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Legal Committee with an overview of the Legal Services Claims Handling - Quarterly Statistical Information Report - Trends & Analysis in litigation. 


The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Legal Committee - 14 May 2024

Date : 14 May 2024

Location : Online

Further Detail on the Report Topic

This report represents the latest in a series laid before the Committee. Those on the Committee have advised that they would ultimately wish to see any trends on the types of cases being raised against Police Scotland, and ultimately settled, to determine if further training or investigation is needed to reduce the number of said claims. A new claims Register will come into operation which should allow for management information hitherto unavailable to be made available.

The tables below outline the number of claims settled by Police Scotland during the period January– March 2024 (Q4) under the general headings of Employers’ liability, Public liability and motor vehicle claims.

In Quarter 4 of the financial year 2023-24, of the 77 claims settled by Police Scotland; 58 claims were motor related, 8 were employer liability matters and 11 related to public liability.

The following tables are intended to represent the different type of claim settled by Police Scotland, the total settlement figures under said headings and an average settlement figure. The Committee asked at its meeting in March 2021 that a table be added to the report to show the settlement figures as a percentage of the settlement figures within the current financial year. That figure is now provided within the Tables.

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