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Published: 23 August 2023

Joint Strategy for Policing (2023/26) - 25 May 2023

Report Summary

This report provides members of the Scottish Police Authority with an overview of Joint Strategy for Policing (2023/26).

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The publication discussed was referenced in the meeting below

Meeting of the Scottish Police Authority - 25 May 2023

Date : 25 May 2023

Location : Crown Plaza, Glasgow

Review of the Strategic Police Plan

In late 2021 the Authority Chair and Chief Constable tasked a Joint Working Group, consisting of Authority and Police Scotland staff, with undertaking a review which was collaborative, outward looking, future focused, evidence-based and informed by the views of stakeholders, including members of the public and officers and staff.

Stage one of the review focused on:
An assessment of current and future strategic risks, opportunities and challenges affecting, or likely to affect, policing in Scotland, based on a strategic horizon scanning exercise and a strategic landscape review; and
An evidence-based review of progress made to date to deliver the fifteen objectives set out in the current Plan.

This initial desktop-based exercise was delivered in summer 2022, and informed an analysis of the current strategic police plan, assessing its continued relevance and identifying any gaps or other areas that may require enhancement or re-emphasis, concluding:

There is evidence of good progress to deliver on the ambitions set by strategic outcomes;
The outcomes remain relevant to current and future context for delivery and reflect the key focus areas identified;
The outcomes are set at a broad strategic level which enables the capture of known and emerging focus areas during the period of delivery and are reflective of the newly published Scottish Government Justice Vision;
The outcomes are currently shaping aligned plans for delivery in 2022-23; and
The objectives, while broadly reflective and relevant to current and future delivery context, will be enhanced to reflect increased importance of key areas

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