Report Summary
This report provides members of the Policing Performance Committee with an overview of Police Scotland and SPA Joint Response to the Independent Advisory Group on New & Emerging Technologies in Policing.
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Policing Performance Committee - 15 June 2023
Date : 15 June 2023
Location : online
On 13 June 2019 Humza Yousaf (the then Cabinet Secretary for Justice) appeared before the Scottish Parliament’s Sub-Committee on Policing in relation to Police Scotland’s use of cyber kiosks. During this appearance, Mr Yousaf announced his intention to form an independent advisory group (IAG) to scope the possible legal and ethical issues arising from emerging technological developments.
The IAG was chaired by Professor Liz Aston, Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR), based at Edinburgh Napier University. Various academics, along with policing, regulatory and civil society bodies contributed to its work. The IAG met ten times over the course of two years.
The purpose of the IAG was to ensure Police Scotland’s use of new and emerging technologies in relation to operational policing is compatible with equality and human rights legislation and best practice and provide recommendations to address any identified issues.
The IAG published its final report on 22 February 2023.