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Published: 24 March 2023

Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 - Annual Reporting

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report describes how the Authority has had regard to island communities in carrying out its functions over the period December 2020 - March 2022.

Section 3

What other steps has your organisation taken for those policies for which an ICIA was not required (under the section 10(b)(ii) assessment).

As described above, until 21/22 and into 22/23, the Authority did not have the capacity to ensure the capture of this information. The ground work for our systematic approach to impact assessment that will result in an integrated impact assessment is underway.  In the future reporting period we will put processes and procedures in place to capture this information accurately. Also, we will ensure that due consideration and mitigation of any impact to Island Communities is given through our support for and oversight of Policing in Scotland.

During the reporting period the Scottish Police Authority has had engagement with COSLA and Local Scrutiny Convenors on key aspects of Policing including Local Police Plans, Tasers, Drones and Body Worn Video. These sessions included feedback from island and remote communities and led to further insight of local issues in the Scottish Police Authority’s oversight of Policing in Scotland.

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