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Published: 21 July 2023

Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 - Annual Reporting 22/23

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report describes how the Authority has had regard to island communities in carrying out its functions over the period April 2022 - March 2023.

Section 1

Please describe how your organisation has had regard to island communities in carrying out its functions.

The Authority’s main statutory functions as set out in Section 2 of the Act are to –

  • Maintain the Police Service of Scotland
  • Promote the statutory policing principles
  • Promote and support continuous improvement in the policing of Scotland
  • Keep the policing of Scotland under review; and
  • Hold the Chief Constable to account for the policing of Scotland

To carry out these functions during 22/23 the Authority conducted a review of the Joint Strategic Police Plan with Police Scotland that sets out the main objectives for policing in Scotland, due to be published in May 2023. The Authority has also prepared a Corporate Strategy for 2023-2026, incorporating the purpose and principal aims of the Authority.

The role of the Authority in this area is still evolving and developing. We are continuing to improve our approach to consideration of island communities in both our strategic decision-making and policy development and review. In addition, we are working to improve our oversight of Police Scotland’s responsibilities in this area.

During 22/23 the Authority implemented an integrated impact assessment approach to improve our delivery of the range of public body duties that we must comply with. This work includes our approach to having regard to Section 7 duty of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 i.e. having regard for island communities in carrying out our functions. The Authority has shared this work with Police Scotland to support their development in this area of public body duty.

The framework provides access to the Scottish Government toolkit, providing detailed information on the Seven Step approach to assessment of impact and template for use in documenting the actual impact assessment.  In addition the following guidance is provided to SPA staff when considering whether an Islands impact assessment is required;

“As a leading public body with responsibility to maintain policing in the public interest, an effective SPA Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) seeks to deliver assurance with regard to the following aims;

- Making sure that the Authority keeps islands and their communities in mind throughout the development, implementation and delivery of any policy, strategy or service.

- Helping the Scottish Government to support strong, resilient and vibrant island communities.

- Helping the Scottish Government to meet the four principles of fairness, integration, environmental protection (green) and inclusiveness that underpin the National Islands Plan and the government’s work to support island communities.

- Promoting the voices of island communities.

- Recognising that every person in Scotland has a right to live with dignity and to enjoy high quality public services wherever they live.

From an Authority perspective, the importance of consultation cannot be emphasised enough when developing any projects, proposals, strategies or plans. Effective consultation can ensure that the ICIA will be based on meaningful engagement with island communities from inception to conclusion. As with other impact assessments, an ICIA should be published when complete.

To enable assurance that island implications have been taken into account in the development of any project, proposal, strategy or plan there is a section entitled “Community Impact” within the Board Reporting Template to enable the author to summarise any implications that the Authority should have regard to.”

The Authority Impact Assessment Framework also includes a screening checklist and, in relation to Islands duty it asks the SPA officer to consider the following questions;

Does your proposal specifically effect island communities?

Some key questions to ask yourself:

Will island communities be adversely effected by the proposal?

Will the proposal likely lead to island communities

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