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Published: 31 July 2024

Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 - Annual Reporting 2023-24

Keywords : public body duty

Report Summary

This report describes how the Authority has had regard to island communities in carrying out its functions over the period April 2023 - March 2024.

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Section 2

Please provide a list of policies, strategies or services for which your organisation has completed a Section 10 assessment ICIA.

A project to digitise/modernise the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme (ICVS) Visitor Form process with an online platform. This project represents a fundamental change in process and practice which will affect multiple stakeholders, therefore the correct appraisal and analysis of potential impacts should be carried out. 

During the period, Police Scotland provided two progress updates to the Authority’s Policing Performance Committee on their Criminal Justice Service Division 5 Year Vision and Direction.1 and 2 An Islands and Rural Communities impact assessment is in place and the Authority is encouraging their use for future plans and strategies.

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