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Published: 18 April 2024

Irvine Fullarton - December 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Keywords : research communities public confidence

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Irvine as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Irvine Fullarton.

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This report summarises the findings of the evaluation in Irvine Fullarton as part of the Scottish Police Authority and Police Scotland Community Confidence Action Research Project.

Using a range of data (such as Scottish Government statistics) Irvine Fullarton was identified as an area for this project. Since December 2022, we have conducted a survey gathering views on confidence in policing in Irvine Fullarton in Spring and held a number of events over 2023 to gather ideas on how confidence in policing could be enhanced in the local area.

In Summer 2023 local policing in North Ayrshire implemented a range of initiatives based on this community feedback. These new ways of working as part of the test of change are as follows:

  • enhanced social media posting related to area,
  • leaflets and emails given out to stakeholders,
  • officers equipped with quadbikes in the area,
  • campus officers having more frequent school visits and,
  • creating a presentation giving an overview of policing.

To evaluate the initiatives a three-pronged approach has been taken:

  • A survey conducted in November 2023 with those 16 and over mirroring one conducted in Feb-March 2023;
  • Questions with under 16s in a schools mirroring questions from Feb-March
    2023; and
  • Conversations with community representatives.

It should be noted that due to small sample sizes and the non-representative nature of the samples the findings of this survey cannot be generalised to the entire Irvine Fullarton population and should be considered indicative only.

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