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Published: 18 April 2024

Irvine Fullarton - December 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Keywords : research communities public confidence

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Irvine as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Irvine Fullarton.

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Community Confidence Action Research – Irvine Fullarton Evaluation Survey Under 16

Between the 31 October and 27 November 2023, the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) and Police Scotland ran a survey in a local schools in Irvine Fullarton to gain views on policing from those under the age of 16 as part of the evaluation of the Community Confidence Action Research Project.

It was sent out to every pupil under the age of 16 across two local schools on two occasions. In total there were 9 respondents who consented to answer the questions. These questions related to what they would do if they had a general worry/problem (Q2), who they would contact if they were in danger (Q3), if they felt the police would help them if they were in danger (Q4), why they had chosen their answers to the previous questions (Q5) and if they had noticed any of the initiatives put in place by Police Scotland and if so what they had noticed (Q6).

The notable drop in response rates between the two surveys must be recognised (Feb-March 2023 n=79, and Feb-March 2023 n=9).


Q2: If I had a general worry or problem outside of school I would…

Results are largely different between to the two time frames. With the majority of pupils in the Feb-Mar 2023 survey reporting they would ‘go up to speak to an officer’ (36%, n=25) or ‘maybe phone 101 or 999’ (37%, n=26), compared to the Oct-Nov 2023 results which show that 33% would not speak to the police (n=3) or selecting ‘not sure what I would do (44%, n=4).

Q3: If I was in danger and needed help, I would…

Results between Feb-Mar 2023 and Oct-Nov 2023 as to actions pupils would take if they were in danger and needed help. In both surveys the majority of pupils would call the police straight away (62% or n=49 in Feb-Mar 23 and 56% or n=5 in Oct-Nov 2023). ‘Maybe call the police at some point’ was the next most popular answer in both surveys (20% or n=16 in Feb-Mar 23 and 44% or n=4 in Oct-Nov 2023). No students in Oct-Nov 2023 selected any option compared to the Feb-Mar 2023 survey where 4% were not sure what they would do (n=3), and 6% (n=5) would not call the police.

Q4: If I was in danger and needed help, I think the police would…

Results were broadly similar between Feb-Mar 2023 and Oct-Nov 2023 as whether pupils felt police would help them if they were in danger and needed help. In both surveys the majority of pupils felt the police
would help them.

Q5: Thinking about your answers above, can you tell us why you chose these options?

When asked to reflect on their answers to the previous questions and comment on why they chose these options, 8 pupils left comments.

Comments largely related to how they thought that the police would help them (e.g. “it is their job”, “we are taught that the police is a safe place to go to” etc.).

Other comments noted that their actions would be dependent on the severity of the situation (e.g. “I just don’t think I’d go to the police unless my life was in danger”, “Unless it's an emergency I would ask my parents about it first”).

Q6: Have you noticed new things that the police have been doing in Irvine Fullarton in the last few months?

The majority of pupils (89%, n=8) were unaware of any of the initiatives that Police Scotland had put in place in Irvine Fullarton. 1 respondent had noticed some new things.

If pupils selected ‘Yes’ they were asked to comment on what they had noticed. However, no comments were received.

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