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Published: 18 April 2024

Irvine Fullarton - December 2023 - Community Confidence Evaluation Findings

Keywords : research communities public confidence

Report Summary

This report summarises the key findings of the evaluation of new policing initiatives in Irvine as part of the final phase of the SPA and Police Scotland's Community Confidence Action Research Project in Irvine Fullarton.

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A higher proportion of respondents strongly agreed/agreed that Irvine Fullarton has a sense of community (48%, n=11).

Followed by 30% (n=5) who neither agreed nor disagreed. The proportion of people who strongly agree/agreed that Irvine Fullarton has a sense of community decreased slightly since Feb-March 2023 and the proportion of those who strongly disagree/disagree has slightly increased.

When asked on their general thoughts and feelings of Irvine Fullarton, 16 comments were received. Many of the responses expressed positive comments about the Irvine Fullarton community (e.g. “Close knit […] Respectful of each other”, “Lots of community projects”, “Strong community spirit and is an area
that has a lot of good connections and looks after residents”).

Some comments touched on anti-social behaviour (e.g. “blighted by anti-social behaviour, petty crime”, “Antisocial behaviour especially noticeable around Irvine mall and beach park area which I do not always feel safe to go” etc.). Many responses recognised resource constraints that local policing face with impact on service delivery noted (e.g. “They are reasonably quick to respond, but sometimes they don’t give you updates on the situation”, “I feel that we obviously don't have enough police”, “Raising concerns is often met with little or no response, and individuals therefore feel the process is pointless”, “More police would make a big difference, the resources availability don't reflect the needs”).

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