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Published: 02 October 2023

Irvine Fullarton - April 2023 – Community Confidence Survey Key Findings

Report Summary

This report outlines key findings from the joint SPA and Police Scotland survey conducted as part of the first phase of the Community Confidence Action Research Project work in Irvine Fullarton.

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Figure 1 shows that 54% (n=27) of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that Irvine Fullarton had a sense of community. 22% (n=11) neither agreed nor disagreed, whereas 16% (n=8) disagreed or strongly disagreed that Irvine Fullarton had a sense of community. 8% (n=4) responded that they did not know.

Thinking about your answers to the previous questions, what are your general thoughts and feelings of Irvine Fullarton? - Q8

37 responses were received in total with 2 responses excluded due to lack of relevance to the question.

15 responses stated that Irvine Fullarton had a strong sense of community and that the people who lived in the area were friendly and down-to-earth making the area a nice place to live. Nine responses recognised the impact of deprivation in the community, with respondents saying it is a “forgotten area” that “needs improvement” and “regeneration”.

Six responses noted that there is an issue with anti-social behaviour in the Irvine Fullarton vicinity, identifying young people as perpetrators causing vandalism and making other people feel unsafe. Other responses (n=6) expressed that there is an issue with drug crime and problem drug use in the area.

Further responses noted the local environment as being pleasant, with beneficial transport links, and a good mix of facilities available to use as community members. A respondent noted that police engagement is typically discouraged, and other respondents shared that during the evening they feel unsafe walking alone in the area.

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Community Confidence Action Research

Published: 21 February 2025